That kind of day….

Just went to check on by washing machine and see how close it was to being finished.  I noticed I still had a basket of clothes setting in front of the washer and one in the dryer.  I only had 2 to start with.  Looked in the washer and sure enough, only water and detergent.  Hum…..  never did that before.  Now I have added clothes and reset it so we should get clean clothes.

We started out with doctor appointments but that went okay.  Had to wait at WalMart for them to fill prescriptions but that is normal also.    We had breakfast out and they cooked my eggs too hard but I can eat them almost anyway and didn’t want to wait while they recooked them.  It was still good and didn’t have to come home and cook.

Vern is out planting some pansies we purchased on the discount shelf at Lowes.  They still look good and will add color well into the winter.  What a beautiful day.  Temp. is only about 70 and plenty of sun.  I love the cooler days and nights of Autumn.  It’s almost here.  I think they said next Wednesday.

Things I Sometimes cannot remember

My husband keeps a little notebook in his shirt pocket to help when he has a senior moment.  Sometimes a word just escapes us and will come to you later.  He has so many flowers that he cannot always remember their names.  He will write down the ones that cause the most trouble and that helps him remember.  Occasionally, even a name will escape.  Haven’t you tried to think of a name and had it pop into your mind the next day or even later in the day?  Of course, my then it is too late.

This is another beautiful day in middle Tennessee.  We are hoping for rain as things are getting a bit dry.  Because we sit on a plateau, some of our rain falls apart before it gets to us.  The cliff cause that, according to meteorologist.

Today is a holiday but when you are retired, one day is much the same as any other.  We do want to honor all veterans and families that have lost loved ones giving their life for our freedom.  Vern is a vet but did not have to go overseas.  We have had several in the immediate family that fought.  May God keep our current soldier safe and give them wisdom as they continue to keep America and others free.